Research Focus Area 1: Detection & Identification

Developing Detection Technologies for the Study of Environmental Stressors In CREST-CAChE I,
we assessed the presence, distribution andenvironmental processes controlling anthropogenic and
natural stressors in aquatic ecosystems. The team implemented the use of novel technologies focused on alternative and innovative mass spectrometry tools. CREST-CAChE II expandsour ability to provide the high-resolution real-time data needed for meaningful actionable interventions,7 through the use of tandem orthogonal separations (e.g., online-SPE-HRMS, speciation ICP-QqQ-MS, GCxGC-MS, GC-UHRMS and GC/LC-TIMS-UHRMS), development of low-cost in-situ sensing systems and sensor network integration. The goal of RFA1 is to generate the detection technologies and experimental workflows that can provide a comprehensive characterization of legacy, novel, emerging and soon-to-emerge environmental stressors, thenuse markers of organism exposure to detect their influence. This multidisciplinary team of biologists, chemists, engineers, and architectsaredeveloping: a) new detection technologies for the characterization of human-derived contaminants, new emerging environmental stressors (e.g., poly and perfluoroalkyl substances, PFAS) and markers for organism exposure at the individual level; and b) new in-situ sensor technologies for real-time, high-resolution monitoring of environmental stressors. The ultimate goal of RFA1 is to further develop and apply these novel technologies to better understand the dynamics and fate of environmental stressors, so we can improve risk assessment and rapid decision-making.

Our faculty are extending research technologies and approaches for measuring chemical stressors. We conduct advanced sensing of environmental exposure to anthropogenic contaminants, pollutants and other natural stressors, such as harmful algal blooms.

William Anderson-Earth & Environment
John Berry-Chemistry & Biochemistry

Shekhar Bhansali-Electrical & Computer Engineering

Leonardo Bobadilla-Computing & Information Sciences

Kevin Boswell-Biological Sciences

Yong Cai-Chemistry & Biochemistry

Yan "Jenny" Ding-Institute of Environment

Francisco Fernandez-Lima-Chemistry & Biochemistry

Piero Gardinali-Chemistry & Biochemistry

Konstantinos Kavallieratos-Chemistry & Biochemistry

William McDowell-Institute of Environment

Kevin O'Shea-Chemistry & Biochemistry

Vladimir Pozdin-Electrical & Computer Engineering

Gregory Reis-Computing & Information Sciences

Camilo Roapenarete-Biological Sciences

Natalia Soares Quinete-Chemistry & Biochemistry