Nicole Strickland

PhD Student, Biological Sciences


Advisor: Joel Trexler

Nicole Strickland is a sixth-year PhD Candidate within the Biology Department. She is advised by Dr. Joel
Trexler in the Aquatic Ecology Research Lab. Her research specializes in aquatic and spatial ecology.
Nicole’s research provides a unique perspective by modeling consumer reactions to environmental
changes across multiple scales of the Everglades ecosystem. Her research utilizes different aspects of
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) such as using remote sensing to create vegetation maps of
wetland habitats to help assess the accuracy of aquatic species estimates. Nicole has also worked
extensively with structural equation modeling in order to investigate how changes to hydrological
patterns has affected nutrient input and different linkages within the food web network of Everglades
habitats. She hopes that the results from her dissertation can be utilized to assess the effectiveness of
restoration programs and help prevent further damage to the Everglades ecosystem.