Benjamin Binder
Biological Sciences
Email: bbind002@fiu.edu
RFA: Impacts & Visualization
Adviser: Kevin Boswell
I received my bachelor’s degree from Coastal Carolina University in May of 2010 and immediately left for the Florida Keys to begin working for Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. As an FWC biologist, I was fortunate enough to participate in a wide-range of research projects and collaborate with different agencies across the region. Most relevant to my current dissertation work, we studied historically known reef fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) in the lower Keys using various acoustic technologies, telemetry techniques, and diver surveys. My current research is focused on improving remote sensing techniques used to quantify the density, spatial distribution, temporal predictability, and age structure of FSAs. Along with the spatiotemporal aspects of FSAs, I am interested in the behavior and biology of aggregating fish, and their potential to alter local community dynamics. Aside from my research I am an avid waterman and hope that my research will contribute to the protection and preservation of our local fisheries resources.